Saturday, November 04, 2006

Undergarment Thievery

When I got a dog I wanted to ensure that I took pet parenting very seriously. I got a whole load of books on dog ownership and training. Regardless, I wasn't prepared for just how difficult it was going to be. People think puppies are cute and lament the fact that they don't stay so forever. Obviously they forget, or haven't experienced, the chewing, the pooping and peeing all over the place, excitement peeing and the middle of the night whatevers. Our little Gypsy's all that and more. I must say, I do love a girl who can't help but wee a little when she's excited. Such is my position, that I find myself departing the house on, at least, two occasions every day. Firstly, so she can take her daily walk and get all those important socialisation skills with other dogs down at the local leash-free park. Secondly, leaving her alone at the house so that she gets used to being alone and doesn't develop separation anxiety (a common problem for dogs with owners who work from home). I often wonder what I've got myself into as I aimlessly wonder the streets, just killing time. Her recent favourite pastime is stealing yesterday's underwear (something, I'd never do, of course). This morning I went to visit my brother Michael who just celebrated his 11th Birthday (Happy Birthday Michael), Gypsy apparently missed me...

Awww, cute puppy pictures (sorry, I just couldn't resist). Perhaps this would make a good advertisement for bonds underwear. With the caption "Who hasn't felt like doing this on those especially lonely nights?" I know I have... Whilst in Japan I heard about these vending machines (which are everywhere, you couldn't imagine) which dispensed packages containing used underwear, along with a picture of the previous owner. I searched for these vending machines, for a souvenir (perverted, who me?), but to no avail.

So, what do people think about vending machines being used in this manner?


Meg said...

That picture is just way too cute.

wire said...

apparently the vending machines came and went in september - october '93 (the interent helps me learned things).

Ludicrousity said...

Creepiest vending machine ever!!! I love your puppy! So cute! I love my dog, but she's getting old now...

Hi Owen, my name is Megan, I've met you a couple of times at various things with Chrystal & Danny. Nice to meet a fellow blogger online!

Anonymous said...

re: the vending machines. It's a little bit of a lucky dip wouldn't you think? On one hand you could get Toshihiro the sumo wrestler from Osaka's parachute ready underoo's or the lovely Kazuko lacy number. Not a chance I'd like to take personally

Anonymous said...

Leighton's point about where the underwear is sourced gets you to thinking...

How do they choose who is going to provide the knickers? What are the attributes that the job applicant must have? How long must the underwear be worn to qualify as used? How do they ensure quality? The mind boggles.

Is there appropriate union representation for workers in this industry, with entitlements as regards pay, health, sick leave (or is it better to wear them when sick, does this increase the fetish value of the item?)

It could be quite a sordid industry actually, when you think of it. I mean, if i was unscrupulous i would think why not kill two birds with one stone and get the workers to make the underwear that they then "use" to place in the vending machines. I'm thinking a sweatshop arrangement then you can rotate the "used" articles pretty quickly and give the workers their 5 minute break to change undergarments and eat 3 times a day.

In short, i wouldn't be purchasing used undies from a vending machine either. Tasty blue dad's jocks by the way O. Noice.

Owen said...

I agree Adam, they should, at least, allow them an allotment of time for pillow fights.

Cass said...

Trust Adam to turn this into a debate on industrial relations...

Anonymous said...

Well, it seemed topical Cass.

I reckon you're onto a winner O, with the pillow fights. We could turn it into a team building exercise and pretend that we're comitting resources to staff development!

P.S. Rumsfeld got the arse! Huzzah!

Anonymous said...

I concur with that hazzah

I also concur any debate regarding undergarments- be they received from vending machine or other means.

I was actually on a chain letter where you got free undies once. You sent out 6 letters with your preferences to friends, then the people they sent it to would send you undies- it was designed to be one step removed. You sent 1 pair of undies and got 6 back.
While very amusing to get knickers from complete strangers (then meet them later at parties- good conversation starter) I never actually got any that fitted.

Sad really.

Anonymous said...

Ive heard about this one owen. From a japanese exchange student i met in montreal.(she played jazz piano, such a great character!)
But anyway, she brought 'these vending machines' up as a converstaion filler over beers on a pub crawl.
She was telling us they usually get young girls/teenagers as there doners(there you go adam!)and the usual clientel are men/old.. (apparently this is acceptable behaviour...)